Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 500-749 Patent Abstracts619. ------. [ELWORTHY, H. S., AND WILLIAMSON, E. H.] Manufacture of Gas Consisting Chiefly of Methane or Marsh Gas for Illuminating, Heating, and Power Purposes. British Patent 12,461, May 31, 1902. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind., vol. 22, 1903, p. 900. Water gas obtained by any of the usual methods is mixed with H2 in sufficient quantity to convert the C present as CO and CO2 into CH4 and to convert the O2 into H2O, and the gaseous mixture is passed over metallic Ni at a suitable temperature, whereupon the following reactions occur: (1) CO+3H2→CH4+H2O. (2) CO2+4H2→CH4+2H2O. The Ni acts as a catalytic agent. The reactions may be effected in 2 stages, a temperature of 250º C. being suitable for attacking the CO and 350º C. for the dioxide. The 26 claims relate to modifications in the process, to production of the H2 required from metallic iron and steam, to production of metallic Ni in suitable form and various forms and combinations of plant. |