Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 500-749 Patent Abstracts612. ELOUARD, L. [Synthesis of Hydrocarbons.] French Patent 908,013, Mar. 28, 1946; appl. filed May 31, 1944. Chem. Zentralb., 1949, III, p. E-236. An aqueous solution of NH4HCO3 is decomposed at 1,500º-1,600º over alumina to CO and H2 and the gas mixture converted over Co or Ni catalysts into hydrocarbons. The residual CO is converted to CO2 and then with aqueous NH3 to NH4HCO2. The alumina mass is made of alumina, C, and binder and then converted by the decomposition of NH4HCO3 is gaseous NH3 and water vapor as well as to NaAlO2 liquor, which is split by CO2. The Al2O3 H2O formed thereby is dehydrated and agglomerated. The soda solution is causticized with Ca(OH)2 and the CO2 evolved changed with gaseous NH3 to NH4HCO3. The NaOH is returned to the AIN decomposition. ELVINS, O. C. See abs. 2501. ELWORTHY, E. G. See abs. 1987, 1988. |