Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 250-499 Patent Abstracts459. DANULAT, F. (Metallgesellschaft A. G.). [Synthesis Gas.] German Patent 700,940, Dec. 5, 1940 (Cl. 24 e-1.07). Chem. Abs., vol. 35, 1941, p. 7689. Coal is distilled under pressure of several atm. of O2 and H2O vapor and temperature, which leads to the formation of CH4. To the gaseous mixture of O2 and H2O is added CO2 0.5-3 fold the volume of O2. This impedes the formation of CH4, and the end product has a CO:H2 ratio of 1:2 or more. The CO2 is separated from the end product and reused. Before entering the generator the CO2 is doused with hot H2O (from the cooler) and is thereby saturated with H2O vapor. The CO2 itself or mixed with the H2O vapor is preheated before entering the generator. |