Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 250-499 Patent Abstracts431. 431. CONSALVO, A. (Societe internationale des carburants et des industries chimiques “Brevets Consalvo”.) [Hydrocarbon Synthesis.] French Patent 869,341. Jan 29, 1942: appl. Filed Jan. 17, 1941. Chem. Zentralb., 1942. II. P. 244. Synthesis gas is contacted with a suspended catalyst, which is circulated through the reaction zone. The catalyst consists of metals of the 4th group with Fe and Cu on carriers of kieselguhr or bleaching earths mixed with oxides of Al or Zn. The reaction products are cooled, the condensate separated, and the CO2 washed out of the residual gas, which is used for making synthesis gas. |