Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 250-499 Patent Abstracts372. CIER, H. E. (Standard Oil Development Co.). Hydrocarbon Synthesis. United States Patent 2,615,910. Oct. 28, 1952. Chem. Abs., vol. 47, 1953. p. 1359. Hydrocarbons and oxygenated organic compounds are produced by treating an oxidized Fe-type catalyst free from carbonaceous material with a gaseous mixture of CO and H2 at 343º-399º and 0-450 p. s. i. g. for 30 min. to 12 hr., and then reducing the temperature 10º-93º to form a substantial amount of the products. In an example, Fe oxide catalyst, to which has been added 2% by weight K2CO3, based on the catalyst weight, was divided into 2 portions. One part was pretreated by passing a mixture consisting of equal parts of H2 and CO into contact with it at 343º-399º and 0 lb. pressure for 1 hr. The other part was treated in a conventional manner with H2 at 482º for 4 hr. Each portion was then used to synthesize hydrocarbons by contact with a gaseous mixture of equal parts of CO and H2 at the rate of 200 vol. feed gas per vol. Catalyst per hr., 288º and 150 p. s. i. g. In the case of the 1st portion, 172 cc. C4 and heavier hydrocarbons per m.3 H2 and CO consumed were produced. With the 2d portion only 120 cc. Of the hydrocarbons were formed. CITIES SERVICE OIL Co. See abs. 755, 966, 967, 1111, 2106, 2574. |