Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 250-499 Patent Abstracts370. CHURCH, H. [Formaldehyde From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen.] French Patent 519,649, 1919. Chem. Zentralb., 1921, IV, p. 653. CH2O is obtained by passing a mixture of molecular amounts of dry HCl, CO, and H2 at 200º-300º over a mixture of Cu chloride with Cu, Fe, or Ni. Formic chloride is formed as the intermediate product, which is then decomposed by the H2 to the CH2O and HCL. The reaction takes place at relatively low velocity at 200º and <300º quantitatively. CHURO, L. N. See abs. 265. CIAMPI, C. See abs. 3990. |