Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 250-499 Patent Abstracts330. CARRIER, E. W., AND NEIMAN, P. E. (Standard Oil Development Co.). [Dewatering Mixtures of Aqueous Alcohols.] French Patent 954,313: appl. filed Oct. 16, 1947, issued Dec. 22, 1949, in United States Mar. 15. 1947. Chem. Zentralb. 1950, II, p. 340. Mixtures of aqueous alcohols, particularly of n-butyl, n-amyl- and n-propyl alcohols, are dewatered by fractional distillation. The alcohol mixture is allowed to settle in a decanter and the H2O and alcohol phases are separated. By fractional distillation the 1st phase yields almost pure H2O and the 2d phase almost H2O free alcohol mixture. The forerunnings of both distillations are combined and returned to the decanter. The alcohols are separated from the H2O-free mixture by fractionation. Butylalcohol goes over at 117.7º and amykalcohol at 138º. CARTER, S. R. See abs. 245, 246, 247, 248. |