Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 250-499 Patent Abstracts301. ------. [CAMPBELL, D. L., AND BARR, F. T.] (Standard Oil Development Co.). Treating Hydrogen With Oxides of Carbon for the Production of Products Such as Methanol. United States Patent 2,266,161, Dec. 16, 1941: appl. filed Dec. 17, 1940, Serial No. 370,462: 5 claims (Cl. 260-449). Chem. Abs., vol. 36, 1942. p. 2272. Describes arrangement of apparatus and a process, which involves passing synthesis gases comprising H2 and oxides of C and containing suspended therein a powdered catalyst, through a reaction zone, under temperature and pressure conditions adapted to cause the oxides of C and H2 to react, removing exothermic heat of reaction immediately as it is formed along the path of the flowing gases through the walls by circulating a cooling medium without the walls of the reaction zone. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES, LTD. See abs. 323, 324, 325, 2026, 3311.