Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1-249 Patent Abstracts211. BRAUNE, A. (Gewerkschaft Victor, Stickstoffwerke). [Hydrocarbons.] German Patent 597,515, May 26, 1934: appl. G 78,657 filed Jan. 29, 1931 (Cl 12 o-1.03). FIAT Reel AA90, frames 1.354-1.355 : PB 70.275; Chem. Abs., vol. 28, 1934, p. 5467. Gases containing H2 and CO are subjected to the action of catalysts of the 8th group, such as Fe, Ni, Co, and Pt, activated by a small addition of halide of alkaline earth metal. Thus, a catalyst consisting of Fe3O4 and CaCl2 may be used to produce a mixture of hydrocarbons b. 100°-200° from a gas mixture of CO and H2 containing small amounts of CO2 and N2. |