PATENTS 162. ------. [BECK, R. A., SENSEL, E. E., AND MILLENDORF, A. J.] (The Texas Co.). Preparation and Use of Synthesis Catalysts. United States Patent 2,550,442, Apr. 24, 1951: appl. filed Jan. 4, 1946, Serial No. 639,166; 2 claims (Cl. 260-449.6). In preparing supported synthesis catalysts, such as Co or Ni, alkaline compounds of NH3, such as (NH4)2CO3 or NH4 OH, are used to precipitate these metals from the slurry of supporting material in which the are present in the form of their soluble salts. After precipitation, the catalyst is reduced with H2 during which action the excess NH3 compound precipitating agents are decomposed into gaseous components that are readily removed. By employing the alkaline NH3 compounds, the use of alkali metal compound precipitating agents, such as Na or K carbonate, whose presence is claimed to have a deleterious effect on Co and Ni catalyst, is avoided. Also avoided is the plurality of washings needed to remove any excess of alkali metal compound that remains after precipitation. It is also claimed that a catalyst that is prepared by using NA2CO3, even though adequate provision is made to remove thoroughly the excess alkali metal by repeated washings. 5 United States patents and 1 literature ref. Cited. BECKE F. See abs. 3657. BECKER, S. B. See abs. 1777. |