PATENTS 15. ALIGEMEINE STAUBVERGASUNGS-G. M. B. H. [Gas Mixtures Containing Hydrogen].] German Patent 616,466, July 29, 1935 (24c-1.07). Chem. Abs., vol. 29, 1935, p. 7622. For the manufacture of mixtures of H2 with oxides of C, with or without N2, a mixture containing a gaseous hydrocarbon, steam, and fuel dust is preheated to 700°-1,000° and introduced continuously as a single stream into a reaction chamber, in which, at the point of entry, it is treated with air or O2 or mixtures thereof. The initial mixture may contain coal or gas or natural gas or may be generated in a water-gas generator fed with pulverulent fuel and operated with an excess of steam. Describes apparatus. |