PATENTS 14. ALEXANDER, C., AND PALMER, G. H. (M. W. Kellogg Co.). Manufacture of a Gaseous Mixture Rich in Hydrogen. United States Patent 2,618,542, Nov. 18, 1952: appl. Filed Feb. 27. 1948, Serial No. 11,474; 7 claims (Cl. 48-196). Chem. Abs., vol. 47, 1953, p. 2064. Hydrocarbon and steam and any available CO2 are reacted at a temperature<1,300° F. in presence of a fluidized, highly active Ni catalyst with <50% supporting or diluting material such as alumina or silica. Co. Fe, or coal may be used in place of Ni. The mol ratio of steam: hydrocarbon charged is maintained at a low value whereby the conversion of hydrocarbon to CO2 is minimized and the CO: CO2 ratio in the product gas is relatively high. A portion of the hydrocarbon is converted to H2 and C. ad the C is deposited on the fluidized catalyst. The catalyst is separated from the product gas and sent to a 2d zone where it is contacted with O2-containing gas at 1,200°-2000° F. and in a C: O2 ratio such that C is converted mainly to CO. The catalyst is then recycled to the 1st zone. 7 United States Patents cited. |