3674.     WEVER, F., AND MÜLLER, A.  [Binary Systems: Iron-Boron, Iron-Beryllium and Iron-Aluminum.]  Mitt. Kaiser Wilhelm Inst. Eisenforsch., Düsseldorf, vol. 11, 1929, pp. 193-223; Chem. Abs., vol. 23, 1929, p. 5458.

        Equilibrium diagram of Fe-B was studied thermally, microscopically, and by means of X-rays and was found to belong to that group of binary Fe alloy having a narrowly limited γ-phase.  As a result of insufficient solubility, a closed γ-field was not obtained.  Mixed crystals of a-Fe-B as well as the solid solution γ-Fe-B are formed by ordinary atomic substitution.  The boride Fe4B2 has a tetragonal space lattice with 2 mol. per unit, while the boride FeB also exhibits tetragonal space lattice with 2 mol. per unit, while the boride FeB also exhibits tetragonal symmetry with 16 mol. per unit.  The Fe side of the equilibrium diagrams of Fe-B and Fe-Al was studied, and both systems were found to have completely closed γ-fields.  Mixed crystals of a-Fe and γ-Fe with both Be and Al are formed by atomic substitution.