3420.     TRAENCKNER, K.  [Gas Sources for the Present and Future Supply of Germany.]  Gas- u. Wasserfach, vol. 82, 1939, pp. 590-595; Chem. Abs., vol. 33, 1939, p. 9592.

        Various suggestions as to methods of gas manufacture are reviewed after giving data as to present supply sources.  The % of gas from brown coal has increased very little in the last 10 yr. in spite of much experimental work; the most successful plant is that at Kassel.  Disadvantages of brown-coal carbonization processes are briefly reviewed, as well as the important features of a number of gasification processes.  One of the more promising of these processes is that of gasification with O2 under pressure.  Results are given for 3 brown coals, showing gas and byproduct yields and net costs.  This process also can use bituminous coals, which are noncaking when heated under pressure.  The flexibility of this process is stressed, as well as the possibility of combining gas manufacture and hydrogenation or synthesis.  In such cases, the rich residual gases can be used as an enriching medium for the manufactured gas.