3108.     SCHREINER, E., AND GRIMNES, F. B.  [Reversible Reaction Between Iron and Steam.]  Ztschr. anorg. Chem., vol. 110, 1920, pp. 311-334; Chem. Abs., vol. 14, 1920, p. 3346.

        Measurements of the equilibrium pressures of H2O vapor and H2 in the reaction Fe+H2O=FeO+H2 were made 595°-920°, using an apparatus similar to that 1st used by Denville (Compt. rend., vol. 70, 1870, pp. 1105, 1205.)  It was shown that refinements in the apparatus introduced by other workers with the object of accelerating the diffusion of the gases in the reaction tube were unnecessary.  The values obtained for K=pH2O/pH were in good agreement, starting from either side of the equilibrium position.  There are considerable discrepancies between the results obtained by different workers, particularly at high temperatures, where, in all cases, the value of K is much lower than that calculated from thermodynamic principles.  The discrepancies probably are due to reactions in the solid phase, for example, the formation of solid solutions between Fe and FeO, or to the different behavior of different modifications of Fe.  Further experiments are suggested to test this hypothesis.