2789. ---------------. [REICHL, E. H.] Synthesis of Hydrocarbons and Chemicals From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen. Production Data From Commercial Large-Scale Operation. Cost of New Fischer-Tropsch Plants. U. S. Naval Tech. Mission in Europe Rept. 248-45, 1945, pp. 18-21, 28; PB 22,841; TOM Reel 200. Figures on the cost of Fischer synthesis plants according to Lurgi (basis 100,000 tons/yr.) are as follows: For a plant including the synthesis and recovery of products with the newest Fe catalyst using gas recycle and staging -- 400 RM/ton/yr./product; complete unit including gas generator -- 900 RM/ton/yr./product. According to I. G. Farbenindustrie (basis, 180,000 tons/yr.), for a plant including synthesis and recovery of products with Co catalyst and multiple stage operation without gas recycle -- 290 RM/ton/yr./product; complete unit including generator (coke basis) -- 590 TM/ton/yr./product; complete unit including conversion (natural-gas basis) -- 500 RM/ton/yr./product. On the basis of 100,000 tons/yr. the cost of the complete unit (coke basis) becomes 615 RM/ton/yr./product. Average monthly production data from the balance sheet of Brabag in 1943 are as follows: (1) Gas production: Total synthesis gas produced ……….....116,736,300 m.3 per mo. CO+2 H2 in gas ……………………………………………79% Yield of gas from brown-coal briquets……….....1,107 m.3 per ton (2) Synthesis: (a) Production: Kondensatoel 6,306.1 tons per mo. -- 52% Primary gasoline …...5,842.0 tons per mo. -- 48% Liquid products: Total………………………….....14,989 tons per mo. -- 100% Pure gasol………2,836.7 tons per mo. -- 23.2% Total ………………………….........…… 14,989 tons per mo. (b) Total yield per ton briquet……………...........……. 157.2 kg. (c) Total yield per m.3 gas…………..........………….. 128.4 kg. (3) Sales products………………...………..14,762.8 tons per mo. (4) Financial statement: (a) Cost breakdown -- material cost: RM per ton prod. Briquets (at RM 9.60 per ton)………… 60.99 Outside coke (at RM 34 per ton)………20.15 Grude coke (at RM 23 per ton)……… 4.38 Raw coal (boilers) (at RM 2.4 per ton)… .92 Outside power (at pf. 1.9 per kw.-hr.)…… 4.04 Catalysts………………………………. 9.61 Charcoal purification………………… 1.20 Licenses……………………………… 3.12 Total………………………………. 104.41 Less credit for chemicals recovered 10.21 Net total materials cost…………… 94.20 (b) Other costs: Hourly wages…………………………….. 46.80 Salaries………………………………….. 19.23 Other costs……………………………… 42.10 Overhead……………………………….. 9.28 5% capital interest (basis 165,000,000 RM) 45.61 9% amortization (basis 149,000,000 RM). 74.12 Total operating expense…………. 331.34 Sales…………………………….. 314.17 Loss……………………………… 17.17 |