2780.     REED, F. H.  Chemical Aspects of Coal Utilization.  Univ. Illinois Eng. Exp. Sta., Short Course in Coal Utilization, Circ. 31, 1937, pp. 159-175; Coal Heat, vol. 32, No. 3, 1937, pp. 56-60; Chem. Abs., vol. 32, 1938, p. 6027.

        Review dealing mainly with coal as a chemical raw material and as a source for liquid fuels.  Discusses 3 general methods for producing liquid fuels from coal:  (1) Carbonization or destructive distillation, (2) direct liquefaction through destructive hydrogenation (Bergius process), (3) synthesis from the products of coal and coke gasification (Fischer process).  Hydrogenation of coal seems to be preferred at present over the Fischer synthesis from CO and H2.  It is not probable that commercial production will be undertaken in the United States until the cost of motor fuels from petroleum approaches the cost of making these fuels by synthetic means.