2678. ---------------. [PICHLER, H.] [Development of Gasoline Synthesis in the United States. Hydrocol Process.] Brennstoff-Chem., vol. 30, 1949, pp. 105-109; Chem. Abs., vol. 43, 1949, p. 7664. Development of the Fischer-Tropsch process in the United States is reviewed. Stress is laid on the use of a fluidized catalyst (alkalized Fe) and the use of a highly efficient external heat exchanger to remove the heat of reaction; this avoids the use of numerous small internally cooled catalyst chambers as in Germany. This catalyst is poisoned by S but is not affected by the formation of small amounts of C, although excessive amounts of C reduce its efficiency. The gasoline consists of a mixture of primary gasoline and polymerization gasoline. The C3-C4 fraction is nearly 100% saturated. The gasoline has an octane number of about 80 motor method. Brief reference is made to costs, and a simplified flow sheet is given. |