2550.     ---------------.  [PADOVANI, C.]  [Treatment of Combustile Gases.]  Jour. usines gaz, vol. 58, 1934, p. 2-7; Chaleur et ind., vol. 15, 1934, pp. 461-468; Chem. Abs., vol. 28, 1934, p. 3872.

        Lecture reviewing experiments on the conversion of CO, CO2, and H2 to CH4.  By the use of pressures around 10 atm., temperature below 400°, yields of 85-90% in the reaction CO+3 H2=CH4+H2O can be obtained by the use of a complex (Ni-containing) catalyzer resistant to the effects of normal industrial gas.  CO2 is formed in a side reaction; no C is separated out.  The process is important for the manufacture of nontoxic gas of high heating value from inferior fuels.  A loss in the reaction of some 25% of the total heating value can be partly recovered.  Reviews application of reverse reaction at 800°-900°.