2503.     ---------------.  [OGAWA, T., MATUI, A., AND SENOO, H.]  Oxidation of Methane.  II.  Reaction Between Methane and Bog Iron Ore.  Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Japan), vol. 41, 1938, suppl., p. 400; Chem. Abs., vol. 33, 1939, p. 3327.

                    Bog iron ore (I) (61.5% Fe2O3, 21.1% SiO2, and 2.9% MnO2) and regenerated (I) were substituted for the Fe2O3 in the tests made at 1,100°.  At the end of 2.5 hr., about 20% CO and 45% H2 were present in the products when (I) was used.  When a 200-gm. portion of (I) was completely reduced to metallic Fe (+impurities) and regenerated with a limited amount of O2 (4.2-4.5 liters), less than 5% each of CH4 and CO2 was produced from the start, and production of CO and H2 was fairly constant at 22-24% CO and 58-60% H2.