2395. NATTA, G., AND RIGAMONTI, R. [Synthesis of Aliphatic Alcohols by the Catalytic Reduction of Carbon Monoxide.] Giorn. chim. ind. applicata, vol. 14, 1932, pp. 217-225; Chem. Zentralb., 1932, II, p. 2264; Chem. Abs., vol. 26, 1932, p. 5062. CO obtained from water gas was reduced with H2 at 350-400 atm. in the presence of calcined ZnO, smithsonite, and KOAc as catalyst. The crude product contained only 0.9-1.1% aldehydes, 0.02-0.5% hydrocarbons, 1.4-2.4% free acids, and 2.5-2.6% ethers. Increasing the amount of K2O in the catalyst increased the proportion of higher alcohols. The following alcohols were identified: Iso-Bu, 51.3-46.6; Pr, 13.1-11.6; β-methylbutyl, 4.9-4.8; Et, 3.3-4.2; iso-Pr, 2.6-3.7; β-methylpentanol, 2.5; Bu, 1.8-2.0; Am, 0.4; β-methylhexanol, 1.6%. Traces of the following also were identified: γ-methylpentanol, isoamyl alcohol, 2,3-dimethylbutanol, ethylisopropylcarbinol, diisopropylcarbinol, propylisopropylcarbinol, and tertiary Bu and Am alcohols. Of the total alcohols, 94.7-98.4% are primary, and those with an odd number of C atoms predominate in the straight-chain group, while the β-Me predominate in the side-chain group. |