2182.     ---------------.  [MARTIN, F.]  [Industrial Synthesis of Benzine and Oil From Water Gas.]   Mitt. Forsch.-Anstalt. Gutehoffnungshütte Oberhausen A.-G., vol. 5, 1937, pp. 159-166; Oel u. Kohle Erdoel Teer, vo. 13, 1937, pp. 691-697; Ind. Chemist, vol. 13, 1937, pp. 320-326; Glückauf, vol. 73, 1937, p. 812; British Chem. Abs., 1937, B, p. 1005.

        Author discusses problems arising from the large-scale application of the Fischer-Tropsch process and describes commercial plants and the properties of the synthetic products.  Nature of the problems that had to be surmounted in the conversion of the Fischer-Tropsch process to the industrial scale is considered.