2111.     LEYE, A. R.  [Gasification With Steam and Oxygen.  Method for Calculating Results and Extent of Re-forming.]  Gas- u. Wasserfach, vol. 83, 1940, p. 669-672, 688-691; Chem. Abs., vol. 35, 1941, p. 3062.

        Method has been developed for calculating the volumetric composition of a generator or re-formed gas, based on the knowledge of the fuel composition and the gasification mediums, such as steam or air, with the help of dimensionless factors for the fuel, gasification mediums, etc.  Formulas are set up that permit calculation of the water-gas composition and requirements for fuel, gasification mediums, and efficiency.  The effect of changes in fuel or gasification mediums, and other variables can be followed, and one can secure a picture of the effect of all factors on the gasification or reforming results.  Examples are given for coke water gas, continuous gasification with steam and O2 and the re-forming of CH4 and hydrogenation gas, as well as the production of gas for synthetic purposes.  Calculated values agree with those found in practice.