2003. KUBOKAWA, M. Activated Adsorption of Methane on Reduced Nickel. Proc. Imper. Acad. (Tokyo), vol. 14, 1938, p. 61-66; Rev. Phys. Chem. Japan, vol. 12, 1938, pp. 157-167; Chem. Abs., vol. 32, 1938, p. 5678. Adsorption of CH4 on Ni was studied at pressures 5-10-3 mm. Between –112° and 20° adsorption is due to van der Waals’ forces. The heat of adsorption is 1 kg.-cal. per mol. Above 40°, activated adsorption takes place. Isotherms were obtained up to 250°. The mechanism is assumed to be: CH4→CH3+H→CH2+2H→CH+3H→C+4H. The desorption process consists in the formation of CH4 by the hydrogenation of CH radicals. The heat of activated adsorption of CH4 on Ni is calculated to be 12 kg.-cal. per mol. if the difference between the 0-point energy of the CH and the CD bond is taken as 0. |