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Literature Abstracts
1992. KRÖGER, C. [Action of Inorganic Polycatalysts in the Water-Gas Process.] Ztschr. Elektrochem., vol. 44, 1938, pp. 577-578; Chem. Abs., vol. 32, 1938, p. 9446.
Oxides of Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, U, and Mn, or alkali carbonates promote the water-gas reaction when mixed with coke, graphite, lampblack, or wood charcoal. The catalytic activity of K2CO3 is promoted by CuO, Co3O4, Ag2O, or ZnO when added to graphite. Low-temperature coke or wood charcoal is activated by Li2CO3. The addition of K2CO3-Co3O4 or K2CO3-CuO to lignite coke or wood charcoal gives a lower yield than when these substances are added to graphite. The action of the catalysts depends upon the fixation of the free alkali metal on the surface of the C and its infiltration into the graphite lattice. When steam reacts the lattice is destroyed.
See abs. 2436.