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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1750-1999
Literature Abstracts
1985. KRICHEVSKII, I. R., AND KHAZANOVA, N. E. [The ε-Phase of Iron Nitride.] Doklady Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., vol. 71, 1950, pp. 677-680; Chem. Abs., vol. 45, 1951, p. 1410.
Equilibrium constant K1 of the reaction [2n/(n-m)] FemN=[2m/(n-m)] FenN+N2 where FemN is the ε-phase and FenN is the γ-phase, was calculated from existing data for the synthesis of NH3 and for the reaction of Fe nitrides with H2. The values obtained for log K1 were: 400° 5.616, 450° 5.555, 500° 5.491, 550° 5.433, and 600° 5.382. By combining these values with data on the fagucity of N2, the N2 pressure in equilibrium with the ε- and γ-phases at 400°-600° was calculated at approximately 12,000-13,600 atm.