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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1750-1999
Literature Abstracts
1953. ---------------. [KÖLBEL, H., AND ENGLEHARDT, F.] [Synthesis of Hydrocarbons and Oxygen-Containing Compounds From Carbon Monoxide and Water Vapor.] Brennstoff-Chem., vol. 32, 1951, p. 150; Chem. Abs., vol. 45, 1951, p. 7333.
In addition to the usual reaction of CO and H2 to form hydrocarbons, the reaction 3 CO+H2O→(CH2)+2 CO2 is important in forming hydrocarbons. While this reaction proceeds at normal pressure under suitable conditions, it is favored by high pressure and a temperature 200°-300° in presence of a highly active catalyst. Yields of 195 gm. (theoretical 208 gm.) hydrocarbons per standard cu.m. of CO were secured, and a wide variety of O-containing compounds was formed, including aldehydes, alcohols, acids, oxy acids, etc., CO-containing gases can be used, as well as pure CO.