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Literature Abstracts
1924. ---------------. [KODAMA, S., TARAMA, K., TAKAZAWA, T., FUJITA, K., TEJIMA, T., ITO, S., ANDYOKOMAKU, Y.] Synthesis of Gaseous Hydrocarbons From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen. XIII. Effect of Temperature at Constant Pressure. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Japan), vol. 48, 1945, pp. 3-8; Chem. Abs., vol. 43, 1949, p. 2399.
Elevation of temperature increases the yield of lower hydrocarbons and therefore increases the yield of gasol, but increased yields of CH4 also occur because of the increase in the reactivity of H2. Thus an increase in gasol by the elevation of temperature without an increase in CH4 cannot be expected. The optimum temperature range for gasol synthesis is 270°-320°.