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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1750-1999

Literature Abstracts

 1915.    KODAMA, S., TARAMA, K., OSHIMA, T., AND FUJITA, K.  Synthesis of Gaseous Hydrocarbons From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen.  I.  Effect of Temperature With the Iron Catalyst.  II.  Effect of Rate of Flow of the Starting Gases With the Iron Catalyst.  Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Japan), vol. 44, suppl. binding, 1941, pp. 272-274, 274-275; Chem. Abs., vol. 44, 1950, p. 7507.

        In order to synthesize predominantly C4 hydrocarbons, a synthesis gas composed of equal parts of CO and H2 was passed at temperatures varying from 242°-299° over an Fe catalyst containing Cu, 25; Mn, 2; kieselguhr, 125; H3BO3, 20; K2CO3, 3%.  Increase in temperature resulted in a decrease in CH4 formation and a decrease in reaction velocity.  The maximum yield of gasoline was reached at 250°, while the yield of C4 hydrocarbons increased up to 270° and remained virtually constant above this temperature.  Operation at 251°-253° with varying space velocities indicated that a space velocity of 180-200 represents the optimum for C4 hydrocarbon production.