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Literature Abstracts
1912. ---------------. [KODAMA, S., TAHARA, H., NAKBAYASHI, T., AND HONGO, M.] Gasoline Synthesis From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen at Elevated Pressures. X. Dependence of the Oil Yields on the Gas Flow. Jour. Chem. Soc. Japan, Ind. Chem., sec., vol. 51, 1948, p. 24; Chem. Abs., vol. 44, 1950, p. 9135.
With catalyst containing Fe+Cu 25+kieselguhr 125+K2CO3 6% at 10 kg. per cm.2 an increase in the flow rate from the standard value, 4 liter (N.T.P.) per hr., decreases the yield per unit volume and increases the yield per unit time at 210° and 230°, while a decrease of the flow rate decreases the yield per unit volume only slightly at 190° and 210°.