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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1750-1999
Literature Abstracts
1894. MURATA, Y., SAWADA, Y AND TAKEZAKI, Y. Synthesis of Benzine From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen. LVIII. Mutual Influence of Boric Acid and Alkali in Promoting Activities of Iron-Copper Catalysts. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Japan), vol. 45, 1942, pp. 670-675; Chem. Abs., vol. 43, 1949, p. 2399.
Mutual influence of diatomaceous earth, H2BO3, and alkali on Fe-Cu catalysts was investigated. The activating action of H2BO3 is very weak for Fe catalysts with no alkali; it increases with the addition of alkali. H3BO3 prevents the formation of high molecular hydrocarbons, such as solid paraffins, and promotes the formation of saturated hydrocarbons. With increases in the amount of H3BO3 added the durability of the catalyst increases.