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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1750-1999

Literature Abstracts

 1880.    FUNASAKA, W. AND KATAYAMA, I.  Synthesis of Benzine From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen at Ordinary Pressure.  XLIV.  Purification of the Gaseous Raw Material used for Benzine Synthesis.  3. Removal of Organic Sulfur by Means of Luxmasse and Admixtures.  Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Japan), vol. 42 suppl., 1939, pp. 9, 12; Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo), vol. 35, 1938, pp. 32-38; British Chem. Abs., 1939, B, p. 688; Chem. Abs., vol. 33, 1939, p. 3559.

                    Use of various addition agents to Luxmasse for the removal of organic S from a gas containing 30.1 gm. S per 100 m.3 of which 28.4 gm. S is organic was investigated.  The addition of 1 wt. % of ThO2, UO2 or NaOH to Luxmasse had little effect.  The addition of 10% NaOH, Ba(OH)2, ThO2, Cr2O3, Al2O3 or K2CrO4 improved the efficiency and the life of the Luxmasse.  For the greatest efficiency Luxmasse containing 10% NaOH and 10% ThO2 was used.  At 400°, this mixture removed 98.9% of the S.  The addition of Na2CO3 was not very promising.