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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1750-1999
Literature Abstracts
1866. ---------------. [TSUNEOKA, S., AND MURATA, Y.] Benzine Synthesis From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen at Ordinary Pressure. XXX. Influence of Catalyst Concentration. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Japan), vol. 39, suppl., 1936, pp. 325-329; Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo), vol. 30, 1936, pp. 40-51; British Chem. Abs., 1936, B, p. 1028; Chem. Abs., vol. 30, 1936, p. 8570.
If more than a certain amount of catalyst is used, constant velocity being assumed, the reaction reaches a condition of equilibrium independently of the amount of catalyst used. This limiting value depends on the quality of the catalyst and the conditions of the experiment. Polymerization, hydrogenation, heavy hydrocarbon formation and CO2 formation are promoted by the use of too large a quantity of catalyst. When the most favorable amount of catalyst is used the formation of gaseous hydrocarbons is at a minimum.