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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1750-1999
Literature Abstracts
1856. ---------------. [FUJIMURA, K. AND TSUNEOKA, S.] Benzine Synthesis From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Under Ordinary Pressure. XX. Composition of the Initial Gas Mixture (2). Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Japan), vol. 37, suppl., 1934, pp. 704-711; Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo), vol. 25, 1934, pp. 127-136; British Chem. Abs., 1935, B, p. 132; Chem. Abs., vol. 29, 1935, p. 1230.
When a mixture (I) of 32.8% CO, 65% H2 and 2.2% N2 was passed at the rate of 4 l./hr. over a 27-cm. contact layer of catalyzer (Ni+15% Mn+3% ThO2+125% kieselguhr) containing 2.5 gm. Ni at 200°, 117 cc. of liquid benzine per m.3 of pure CO+2H2 was obtained. Under the same conditions (I) containing approximately 10% N2 gave 115 cc., 10% CH4 120 cc., 10% CO2 111 cc., 20% N2 112 cc., 20% CH4 106 cc., 20% CO2 91 cc., 40% N2 95 cc., 40% CH4 85 cc. and 40% CO2 90 cc. Thus less than 20% of inert gas did not seriously affect the reaction but 40% cut the yield considerably. Also the more the mixture was diluted, the lighter and more volatile was the oil produced. After removing the S compound and CO2 from a commercial gas it was passed over a 47-cm. layer of catalyzer containing 3.5 gm. Ni under the above conditions. This gas (30.2% CO, 54% H2, 4.7% CH4, 10.9% N2), containing 81% usable CO+2H, gave 98 cc. benzine/m.3 of gas or 121 cc./m.3 of pure CO+2H. Under like conditions (I) gave 137 cc./m.3 of pure CO+2H.