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Literature Abstracts
1808. ---------------. [KOCH, H.] [Synthetic Lubricating Oils.] Ztschr. Ver. deut. Ing., vol. 80, 1936, pp. 49-50; Coal Carbonisation, vol. 2, 1936, p. 63; Ges Abhandl. Kenntnis Kohle, vol. 12, 1937, pp. 588-592; Mech. Eng., vol. 58, 1936, pp. 248-249; Chem. Abs., vol. 30, 1936, p. 2741.
Good yield of lubricating oil can be obtained by polymerization of the olefin hydrocarbons in the Kogasin product of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. It is desirable that the monoolefin content should be as high as possible and can be brought about by using a 1:1 ratio of CO to H2 instead of the usual 1:2 ratio whereby a Kogasin is obtained with 50% of reactive olefins. Polymerization is effected by AlCl3 catalyst in about 8 hr. at 10° C. Synthetic lubricants from the olefin fractions of boiling point 125°-250° C. are equal in viscosity to the best Pennsylvania oils, their specific gravity is only 0.84-0.85, and their coking tendency is very low. They are quite free from S and have very low setting points (-30° C. for an aviation lubricant of 123 Engler viscosity at 20° C.). With the present development of the process, the yield of thick oils is about 60% of the weight of olefins treated; most of the remaining 40% is converted to comparatively thin oils, which can be combined with the gas-oil fraction. For a further increase in total yield, the paraffin hydrocarbons of the Kogasin can be processed by chlorination and catalysis, yielding another series of lubricating oils of excellent quality.