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Literature Abstracts
1702. ---------------. [KAWAKITA, K.] [Kinetics of the Reduction of Ferric Oxide.] Rev. Phys. Chem. Japan, vol. 14, 1940, pp. 79-85; Chem. Abs., vol. 35, 1941, p. 961.
Rate of reduction of Fe2O3 by H2, dx/dt, measured in a static system, equals kxn (a-x), where x is the amount of H2 reacted, a is the initial H2 concentration, k is the rate constant, and n is a topochemical factor related to the number of reaction nuclei and to their rate of propagation. At 500° and 600°, many nuclei are formed at the start of the reaction and n=0, and the reaction is approximately 1st order. At 265° very few nuclei are formed initially and n=1, giving a maximum rate when x=a/2. n decreases as k increases. As the temperature increases above 265° the maximum rate is larger and appears earlier.
KAWAMICHI, K. See abs. 1854.