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Literature Abstracts
1699. ---------------. [KAWAKITA, K.] Chemisorption of Carbon Dioxide by Reduced Iron. III. Thermodynamic Consideration of the Chemisorption. Rev. Phys. Chem. Japan, vol. 13, 1939, pp. 87-95; chem. Abs., vol. 33, 1939, p. 9084.
Free-energy equations are derived for the possible reactions in the chemisorption of CO2 by reduced Fe, and the free-energy values are calculated for 360°. CO as an intermediate product is identified by its reduction of PdCL2 solution. Fe3O4 is identified as a product. These facts and the free-energy values suggests that the chemisorption consists of the following reactions: Fe+CO2=FeO+CO, 3FeO+CO2=Fe3O4+CO, 3Fe+4CO2=Fe3O4+4CO.2CO=C+CO2. The apparent reaction of the system becomes 3Fe+2CO2=Fe3O4+2C.