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Literature Abstracts
1687. KAWAI, S. AND NOBORI, H. Manufacture of Fatty Acids by the Oxidation of Paraffin. VII. Oxidation of Fractions Obtained by Distillation of Paraffin. Jour. Soc. Chem. Ind. (Japan), vol. 45, 1942, pp. 986-987; Chem. Abs., vol. 43, 1949, p. 9029.
Shale-oil paraffin, melting 47.5° and I value 9.1, was fractionated into 3 portions: b5 below 190°, b4-5 190°-240°, and the residue. 50 gm. of each fraction was oxidized at 130° by passing 2 l. per min. of air for 20 hr. The middle fraction gave a product with an acid value of 95, while the other fractions were much more difficult to oxidize. The acids obtained from the middle fraction were best for practical applications.