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Literature Abstracts
1622. JOHANSSON, A., AND VON SETH, R. Carburization and Decarburization of Iron. Surface Decarburization of Steel. Jour. Iron Steel Inst. (London), vol. 114, 1926, pp. 295-358; Engineering, vol. 122, 1926, pp. 460-464; Chem. Abs., vol. 20, 1926, p. 3429.
In an atmosphere of CO2-CO the main course of the reaction is 3Fe+2CO=Fe3C+CO2. The theoretical considerations involved are discussed and experiments are described, which were to determine the equilibrium of the reaction and establish isotherms at 1,100°, 1,000°, 900°, 800°, 750°, and 710° on steels in which C ranges from 0.03 to 2.32%. The equilibrium Fe3C+2H3=3Fe+CH4 is also studied.