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Literature Abstracts
1587. IVANOV, K. N. [Properties and Structure of the Copper-Methanol Catalysts.] Acta Physicochim., U.R.S.S., vol. 1, 1934, pp. 493-502; Chem. Abs., vol. 29, 1935, p. 6711.
Addition of ZnO increases somewhat, and of Cr2O3 very strongly, the activity of the catalyst. Very active catalysts, 5 times as active as any previously reported, were prepared, for example: CU, 82; ZnO, 16; Cr2O3, 2; and Cu, 60; ZnO, 35.6; Cr2O3, 4.4. High ZnO (more than 30%) and low Cr2O3 (less than 2%) lead to rapid aging of the catalyst. Reduction of the dried mixed precipitate takes place in a H2 stream at 200°-220°. X-ray studies indicate that the function of Cr2O3 is to preserve a small amount of CuO, and that the real active centers are the Cu-CuO interfaces. During use, ZnO with Cu forms a-brass, with an increase in lattice constant of Cu and a decreased catalytic activity.