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Literature Abstracts

 1582.    ISHIGAKI, T.  Determination of the Density of Cementite.  Sci. Repts. Tôhoku Imp. Univ., vol. 16, 1927, pp. 295-302; Chem. Abs., vol. 21, 1927, p. 2643.

       Results of all previous investigations are listed; they differ considerably.  Ishigaki redetermines the density by extrapolating the density-concentration curves of annealed C steels and cast irons to the concentration of cementite.  Hot-forged and annealed samples were used to eliminate minute intercrystalline cracks and gas enclosures.  The density measurements are made with an accuracy of ±0.0003 gm. by an application of Archimedes’ principle.  The density of cementite is 7.662, in satisfactory agreement with 7.68 found by Westgren and Phragmen by means of X-ray analysis.  A table showing the influence of common impurities, other than C, upon the density of Fe is given.

        ISHIKAWA, H.  See abs. 1802, 1803.

        ISHIKAWA, S.  See abs. 1867.

        ITO, S.  See abs. 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926.