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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499
Literature Abstracts
1487a. -------------. [HOOG, H.] Slurry Process Versus Fixed-Catalyst-Bed Operation. Proc. 3d World Petrol, Con., The Hague, May-June 1951.
Catalyst slurry process was chosen for pilot plant development. Improvements instituted included the use of low-quartz catalyst to reduce mechanical wear; the use of short contact time and operating temperatures on the low side of the maximum range with recycling of uncoverted olefins; preheating of the olefin feed and water gas to effect rapid initiation of the reaction; the use of a high-pressure cooler and cold-separator system to reduce Co hydrocarbonyl content of recycle gas and oil contamination in recycle pumps; and a specially designed decobalting system to prevent excessive Co deposition in the preheating section for the decobalter feed and in the decobalter proper. A special feature, added to the Leuna process for producing C7-C9 alcohols, was a catalytic after-hydrogenation for removing color-producing unsaturated aldehydes in refining the final alcohols.