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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499
Literature Abstracts
1453. HOFMANN, K. A., AND GROLL, H. [Production of Ammonia and Hydrocarbons From Lignite Coke by the Action of Stream at 500°.] Ztschr. Angew, Chem., vol. 40, 1927, pp. 282-287; Chem. Abs., vol. 21, 1927, p. 1880.
Although at 900° C+H2O=CO+H2, and at lower temperatures the reaction C+2H2O=CO2+2H2 is favored, at 500° both reactions are too slow to be of technical importance. By the use of catalysts, however, reactions involving the addition of H2 (obtained either from the above reactions or added as such) to the primary tar and to the N2 present are accelerated. Thus Fe induces the transformation of 15% H2 into CH4, Ni, 30%, and Mn, 45%. With Mn and Co oxides together, still higher yields are obtained. It is assumed that metallic carbides, finely divided and rich in C, are formed, and that the H2 reacts with them to form the hydrocarbons. Experiments are described, showing the methods used for activating the C; the effects of H2 on low temperature lignite coke at 500°, with the production of large yields of hydrocarbons and NH3; and the influence of catalysts, such as the oxides of Fe, Ni, Mn, and Mn-Co.