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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499

Literature Abstracts

 1445.    HOFER, L. J. E., COHN, E. M., AND PEEBLES, W. C.  Isothermal Decomposition of the Carbide in a Carburized Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst.  Jour. Phys. and Colloid Chem., vol. 53, 1949, pp. 661-669; Chem. Abs., vol. 43, 1949, p. 6064.

        In a previous study of Co catalysts, a new Co carbide Co2C was prepared and identified, and the rates of formation and of hydrogenation of this carbide in the standard Co-ThO2-kieselguhr Fischer-Tropsch catalyst were observed.  A study now is made of the thermal stability of this Co carbide as it occurs in a carburized catalyst.  The rate of isothermal decomposition was studied magnetically and chemically 300°-360°.  The Co carbide in the preparation used was either paramagnetic or very weakly ferromagnetic.  In the range from about 80-25% Co carbide, the decomposition time curves were linear, and hence the reaction was of apparent zero order in that range.  All empirical activation energy of 54.3 kcal. per mole was found for the range of apparent zero order.  The details of a magnetic method are described, by means of which the complete course of a reaction in the solid state can be followed under certain conditions.