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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499

Literature Abstracts

 1437.    ---------------.  [HOFER, L. J. E., AND COHN, E. M.] Synthesis of Cementite.  Jour. Chem. Phys., vol. 18, No. 5, 1950, pp. 766-767; Chem. Abs., vol. 44, 1950, p. 6367.

       Describes new method for synthesizing cementite, which overcomes the difficulties of the presently known methods.  It is based on the fact that, in partly carburized Fe containing either or both modifications of the Fe carbide, Fe2C, the carbides will begin to react with the free Fe at a relatively low temperature (above 260°) and will have reacted completely below 500° to form well-crystallized cementite.  This reaction, Fe2C+Fe→Fe3C, thus requires substantially lower temperatures than any other known series of reactions producing cementite uncontaminated by free C, and the synthesis is comparatively simple to carry out.  The operation is described with the aid of a thermomagnetic graph.