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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499
Literature Abstracts
1436. HOFER, L. J. E., AND COHN, E. M. Studies of Ferromagnetic Materials. Consolidated Eng. Corp. Recordings, vol. 4, No. 1, March 1950, p. 5.
Measurement of the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic substances is a convenient method for investigating their composition and chemical reactivity. 2 of these properties, the Curie point and the specific magnetization, can be determined from the thermomagnetic curve, which is obtained by means of the magnetic balance. Typical thermomagnetic curves are shown. The material was a mixture of 2 modifications of Fe2C, the Hägg carbide (Curie point, 250°), and the hexagonal close-packed carbide (Curie point, 380°), containing about 10-30% Hägg carbide as estimated from specific magnetizations. The apparatus is illustrated and described.