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Literature Abstracts

 1429.    HIRSCHKIND, W., AND LOWDERMILK, F. R.  Fischer-Tropsch and Allied Processes.  CIOS Rept. XXVII-82, 1945, 24 pp., PB 474; British Coal Utilization and Research Assoc., Monthly Bull. 10, 1946, abs. 942; TOM Reel 239.

       Report of a visit to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute für Kohlenforschung at Mülheim.  Several complete plants and pilot plants were investigated.  Flow sheets and full operating conditions are given for:  (1) Manufacture of synthesis gas from purified and H2-enriched water gas (80,000 m.3 per hr.); (2) normal pressure synthesis (description of steel converter embodying catalyst 30% Co, 10% ThO2 per MgO, 60% kieselguhr), the product was largely straight-chain paraffins, with a large quantity of liquid and small amounts of gas and solids; (3) medium-pressure synthesis, 11 atm. pressure.  With Co catalyst, 190°-200°, products were equally liquids and solids.  With Fe catalyst, 225°-240°, products were largely liquids with small amounts of solids and gases and more unsaturates than with Co; (4) olefin synthesis.  The synthesis gas has a H2:CO ration of 1:1.25.  2 trains are used:  1 at 10-12 atm.; 2 at 1 atm. for working up the residual gases from 1.  Co catalysts are used for both.  Yields:Train 1, 10 gm. liquefiable gas and 120 gm. liquid per m.3feed gas; train 2, 30 gm. solid products and 160 gm. liquid and gaseous products per m.3 feed gas.; (5) aldehyde synthesis.  In the Oxo process aliphatic aldehydes are formed by catalytic reaction of water gas on olefins.  The aldehydes are reduced to alcohols for production of detergents by sulfonation.  The olefins are C11-C17 with the double bond at the end of the chain.  The reaction was carried out batchwise at temperatures rising 125°-145° and at 150 atm. pressure using the Co catalyst.  A plant costing 11,000,000 RM was built having a capacity of 10,000 tons higher aliphatic alcohols C12-C18.  Estimated cost of product 0.90-0.95 RM per kg., market price 2.50 RM per kg.  1 lb. olefin was equal to about 1 lb. distilled alcohol.  Raw material and power consumption were as follows:  Power 1.5 million kw.-hr. per yr. at 0.025-0.03 RM; H2O 200 m.3 per hr.; water gas 750 m.3 per hr. at 0.03-0.035 RM per m.3; olefins 1.250 kg. per hr. at 0.38-0.40 RM per kg.; H2 400 m.3 per hr. at 0.60-0.70 RM per m.3; steam 300 tons per day.