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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499
Literature Abstracts
1413. HIBSHMAN, H. J. Separation of Iso- and Normal Paraffins by Adsorption. Ind. Eng. Chem., vol. 42, 1950, pp. 1310-1314; Chem. Abs., vol. 44, 1950, p. 9143.
Activated C selectivity adsorbs n-C5, -C6, and –C7 paraffins from iso-octane at room temperature. Based on experimental data, a flow plan for a continuous separation of iso-octane and heptane is presented by using fluidized solids technique. C introduced at the top of a column fails countercurrently to the feed and liquid reflux streams introduced at the center and bottom, respectively. The C withdrawn at the bottom contains heptane in high purity, which is removed from the C by washing with pentane, the pentane and heptane being separated by distillation. The pentane on the C need not be removed before the C is reused, since it appears in the filtrate with the iso-octane and is separable by distillation. The filtrate is 90% pure iso-octane. The process is analogous to the conventional extraction and distillation.