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Literature Abstracts
1409. HERINGTON, E. F. G., AND WOODWARD, L. A. Experiments in the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis of Hydrocarbons From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen. Trans. Faraday Soc., vol. 35, 1939, pp. 958-966; Brennstoff-Chem., vol. 20, 1939, pp. 319-324; Chem. Abs., vol. 33, 1939, p. 9583.
Catalyst of the following composition by weight was used throughout: Co:ThO2:kieselguhr=100:18:100. Oil synthesis can be insured by breaking in the catalyst in a suitable manner, that is, by keeping the temperature well below 150° when the synthesis gas is first admitted (following the treatment with H2), the temperature should then be raised very slowly. Under otherwise similar conditions of reaction, a high H2:CO ratio in the ingoing gas favors the formation of hydrocarbons of lower molecular weight. Most of the revivifying effect of the H2O on a used catalyst is shown to be due to chemical interaction. The addition of S compounds during the reaction at first causes an increased production of hydrocarbons of higher molecular weight. Treatment with H2 at 375° destroys the preferential S resistance of centers, so that, with a partly poisoned catalyst, an increase in poisoning may result owing to redistribution of the S.
HERRMANN, K. See abs. 1356.