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Return to Abstracts of Literature 1250-1499

Literature Abstracts

 1408.    HERINGTON, E. F. G., AND ROBERTSON, A.  Influence of reaction Mechanism on Size Distribution in Polymers.  Trans. Faraday Soc., vol. 38, 1942, pp. 490-501; Chem. Abs., vol. 37, 1943, p. 1318.

       Where the polymer grows by successive addition to active radicals, the distribution curves of reaction product can be derived for the general case where the ratio of termination coefficient to the propagation coefficient is considered to vary with chain length.  It is assumed first that the initiation rate remains constant over the period considered.  Only those polymerizations are considered in which the mean life of the active chain centers is very small compared with the half life of the total reaction, so that application of the stationary state treatment is permissible.  It is most desirable to have approximate instantaneous experimental distribution curves.